How Many Times, On Average, Does a Dog Get Worms in Its Lifetime?

How Many Times, On Average, Does a Dog Get Worms in Its Lifetime?

As responsible pet owners, we always want to do what’s best for our furry companions. Worms are one of those unpleasant but common issues that many dogs face at some point in their lives. But how often does it really happen? Let’s take a closer look at the average number of worm infestations a dog might encounter throughout its lifetime.

Factors That Influence Worm Infestation

The number of times a dog might get worms depends on several factors, including:

  • Environment: Dogs that frequently play outdoors, visit dog parks, or live in rural areas are at higher risk of picking up worms from contaminated soil, faeces, or infected animals.
  • Age: Puppies are particularly susceptible to worms, often contracting them from their mothers during pregnancy or nursing.
  • Lifestyle: Dogs that hunt, scavenge, or have close contact with other dogs are more likely to get worms than those with more restricted outdoor access.
  • Preventative Care: The frequency of worm infestations is often lower in dogs on a regular worm prevention regime, whether through chemical treatments or natural methods.

How Many Times Does a Dog Get Worms?

On average, dogs will likely face a worm infestation multiple times during their lifetime. Here’s a rough breakdown:

  • Puppies: Most puppies will contract worms from their mother, making it common for young dogs to have at least one case of worms before they reach adulthood.
  • Adult Dogs: Depending on their lifestyle, some adult dogs might experience worm infestations every 1-3 years, while others may never show signs of worms if they follow a strict prevention and testing regime.

A dog that isn’t on regular worm prevention or testing may get worms as often as several times a year, while others might have only a couple of infections throughout their life. The truth is, without regular testing, it’s hard to know for sure—since many dogs show no visible symptoms of worms at all.

The Importance of Regular Testing

Given that dogs can contract worms multiple times throughout their lives—and often without showing any signs—it’s essential to incorporate regular worm count tests into your dog’s healthcare routine. Regular testing helps:

  • Detect Worms Early: Identifying a problem before your dog shows symptoms can prevent larger health issues down the road.
  • Ensure Your Prevention Methods Are Working: Whether you use natural treatments or chemical preventatives, worm count tests are the only way to know for sure if your dog is worm-free.

How Often Should You Test?

We recommend testing your dog for worms at least four times a year, regardless of your prevention methods. If you live in an area with a high risk of worms or your dog has a more outdoor lifestyle, you may want to test even more frequently.


While it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly how many times a dog might get worms in its lifetime, it’s safe to say that worm infestations are a common occurrence for most dogs. By staying proactive with regular testing, you can help ensure that your dog stays healthy and worm-free, no matter how many times they encounter these pesky parasites.

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